Jordi Safons



Specialised in insolvency proceedings both as petitioning counsel and as a collaborator of the Courts, being appointed to various positions in the previous legislation and currently as an INSOLVENCY ADMINISTRATOR (more than 100 cases).

Specialised in the presentation and processing of the second chance process for companies and individuals.

Issuance and defence in court of numerous expert reports, at the request of the parties and the courts, highlighting his involvement in patent and trademark proceedings as well as unfair competition and valuations. Intervention as Judicial President and Judicial Administrator-Settlor in the framework of voluntary jurisdiction.

  • Graduate in Economics and Business Studies (1990-UB).
  • Bachelor of Law (2004-UNED).
  • Auditor (1996 -ROAC).
  • Postgraduate in Account Auditing (1995-UAB).
  • Mediator in civil and commercial matters (ASEMET 2013).
  • Independent expert for companies and organisations.
  • Collaborator with the administration of justice appointed to various positions in insolvency proceedings, expert reports and shareholders’ meetings.
  • Experience in the audit sector in a company of recognised prestige (Audiserem).

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